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Starve the Monkeys That Eat Away At Your Life
An Individualist's Guide to Fighting Modern Progressives Don't Let Your Guns Get You Killed. Fight back smarter. |
Starving The Monkeys An Entrepreneurial Horror by Tom Baugh Who Are the Monkeys? Table of Contents Foreword Selected Excerpts About the Author Errata |
You are about to lose your guns.
It is just a matter of time. All around us, we see the signs and the trouble brewing. And we hear rumors of "cold dead hands" and so on. And some of those rumors are started by government agents themselves, because manufacturing a criminal out of you sure beats going after the actual bad guys for a living, doesn't it? Plus, if you over-react, then "poof", no more you to get in the way. And no one is willing to talk about this. On June 4th, while Glenn Beck was on tour, I heard a guest host on his show take a call from a man calling himself William. William said that he was a former employee of the Department of Justice, and claimed that national law enforcement tries to agitate people to crimes, a practice William called "top fishing". He urged Beck's listeners to not fall for this practice. The guest host ridiculed him, and several subsequent callers who wanted to know more about what William had to say on this issue. My book, released two days before William's call, explains why this practice exists, among other insanity, and why polite society, which includes talk radio, is happy to just look the other way. But William was absolutely right about every thing he had to say. But it isn't just talk radio that is keeping this message out of the public forum. Advocacy groups that rake in millions to support your rights have squandered away two decades or more supporting sportsmen's rights instead. Most Americans don't care about being able to hunt a duck with a $1500 shotgun and designer boots. But that sort of message is palatable, and so that is what wins out. And you lose. Right now, states like Montana are trying to do something about this encroachment on vital American individualism. Yet, their efforts are doomed to fail for reasons that no one is willing to talk about. These new laws, while laudable as a first step, are little more than resolutions about a principle. A law doesn't have any meaning unless there is some objective deterrent to violating it. Unless those states put teeth in their laws, and are willing to bite when anyone violates them, sparing no man from lawful prosecution, then nothing will happen when push comes to shove other than a lot of Montanans getting arrested. Or worse. Other states will then learn the lesson and just turn back to the trough for more business as usual. Because, hey, what else can they do? Or more accurately, what else are they willing to do? These legislators have to recognize their Constitutional responsibilities to their own citizens. Thankfully, some are starting to wake up. And you still have to solve the problem of what to do when your guns are gone. But this problem, however large, is only a tiny little slice of a much bigger problem we all face now. Solve that bigger problem, and others will take care of themselves. Because, clearly, the Constitution doesn't matter anymore. And thinking that it does simply makes you a target. A fringe extremist. Yet our system is supposed to protect you from stupidity like this. You elect people to represent you, but when they get to Washington they lose their minds and start acting just like the last guy. It seems as if your vote doesn't count anymore. It seems this way because your vote doesn't count anymore. And there is a simple reason why. Because YOU don't count anymore. At least not to the people who make the decisions that affect every aspect of your life. And they are not who you think they are. There are no conspiracies, and no smoke-filled rooms where fat-cats pull the strings. Nope. The reality is FAR worse than that. Because if there was a mysterious "they" out there getting together in little cabals, we could do something about that. But while we spend our time and our energy throwing tea-parties and thinking that all we have to do is to simply get the message out loudly enough, we are missing the essential nugget. A nugget that no pundit is willing to address. This book would never pass the filtering process that exists at a normal publisher. Why? Because it is too realistic. Because it shows exactly where the problems in our modern world lie. And what to do about it. And no, those solutions don't involve violence, or "grab your gun", or any other kind of "let's go git 'em, boys!" kind of foolishness. Doing that would only get you killed. And the responsible parties would rejoice at your sacrifice. Because that is exactly what they want you to do. Get killed, so that you, and your ideas, are out of the way. Don't give them the satisfaction. Besides, your brothers are going to need you later. There is a much, MUCH, better way. My way. Continue reading about my way. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 |
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