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Starve the Monkeys That Eat Away At Your Life
An Individualist's Guide to Fighting Modern Progressives Laissez Faire Isn't |
Starving The Monkeys An Entrepreneurial Horror by Tom Baugh Who Are the Monkeys? Table of Contents Foreword Selected Excerpts About the Author Errata |
There is no such thing in this country as a free market. And there hasn't been for a very long time. In fact, what is about to happen to our nation in the next few years will make the simple regulatory life of the seventies seem like good times.
Yet, progressives will leap to blame the free market for any problem that arises. Even the fat-cats sit behind walls of regulations that protect them, as they complain about those regulations and pay their lobbyists to clammor for more. Because those regulations protect them from competition from you. Today, our economic systems operate to accumulate wealth in the wrong hands. You see this when you work hard, save and pay your bills, only to have your wealth stripped away from you and given to the people that caused the problems in the first place. If you are running your own small business, then you feel this sting even harder. What is called free trade today is a market so regulated that it seems that the deck is stacked against you, particularly if you work hard. It seems this way because the deck is stacked against you, particularly if you work hard. And part of this "stacking of the deck" is the requirement that you must behave a certain way, or speak a certain way, or wear the right clothes, or have the right hair, and so on. Because these things are used to determine your value to society. Your value to the collectives. All collectives. The left has their collectives, the right has their collectives. Even the Libertarians have their collectives. All because you don't have any value unless someone else says that you do. Continue reading about how even Libertarians expect you to conform, as even they devalue individuality. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 |
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