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Starve the Monkeys That Eat Away At Your Life
An Individualist's Guide to Fighting Modern Progressives

Laissez Faire Isn't
Starving The Monkeys
An Entrepreneurial Horror

by Tom Baugh

Who Are the Monkeys?

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Here's a taste of how individualism doesn't matter in our society any more.

I just received an email lately from a book store that caters to Libertarians. Remember as you read this, that Libertarians are supposed to be promoting the ideals of individualism and self-expression.

"We will not be able to stock the book, 'Starving the Monkeys'. Here is an explanation as to the reasons.

First, there are some obvious problems with the production value itself. The layout and production appears too amateurish. We can begin with the usual size of the book. There are some very typical formats that are industry standards. This doesn't mean that odd size books don't exist, just that the size counts against them for numerous reasons. Primarily with three main sizes the issues are packing inventory for storage and shipping. It is a minor issue but just one of several.

Next the internal layout appears to be pretty much a word processing document with no effort made to do actual layout work. For instance, the text in books is usually justified where this is not. In typesetting books one doesn't put in two spaces at the end of a sentence, just one. The reason for that is because it helps with the layout and ease of reading. Older typerwriters were a different matter. Generally one doesn't double space at the end of a sentence, just puts in one space and then starts the next sentence. There are no headers of any kind on the pages. No attempts were made to use indentation for paragraphs, so to solve that problem every paragraph has a double return inserted. This makes the book look sub-standard in general. The look of a book is, unfortunately, sufficient reason to reject a title for stocking -- this is due to the fact that we have more books than we can use on offer to us at any one time.

A read of the book indicated other problems. I have come across numerous problems with grammar and sentence structure. In numerous places commas were missing turning a comprehensible sentence in a long run-one sentence where the reader has to read it once, then go back and reread it again while mentally inserting the commas where they were needed. The underuse of commas seems pervasive as I've read several pages scattered throughout the book and found the same problem.

We then run into a another problem. The book mixes a narrative story with first person stories, along with tutorial material. Such mixtures of styles is usually a bad idea, as if the author couldn't decide what sort of book he was writing. The book really needed some more copy editing before going to the printer.

These are things we can't know until we see the book. I am sorry to bring bad news but I also felt it proper to let you know why we couldn't stock this book. "

The funny thing about this letter is the Easter Egg I left in the book for exactly this sort of thing. When you read my book and get to that point, you might get a chuckle out of his email. Another funny thing is that I left all the spelling errors and other issues in his email intact. There is another Easter Egg about layout hidden on this site somewhere that you might enjoy.

Now, don't get me wrong. Who this book store is doesn't matter. This guy is free to do business with, or not do business with, anyone he chooses. In my opinion, he doesn't even need to give me a reason.

But it is ironic, isn't it, that issues of style, and formatting, and cover design and where I put spaces and tabs and commas are more important than the ideas. From someone who caters to Libertarians. And who didn't bother to read it from cover to cover to reveal what the actual message is, which is a message of hope for the individual.

I show you this only as an example of how the processes of the collectives work. You see this sort thing each day in your daily life. You must conform. You must wear the right clothes. You must have your hair a certain way. You must have the right look. You must say the right things, and have the right ideas. Or the collectivists of whatever stripe make fun of you or otherwise attack you. Or deny you opportunity.

For nothing more than being who you are. Because if you were actually who you are, you would scare the hell out of them. Because then you would start seeing them for who they really are, too.

So, as I reveal in my book, "Starving the Monkeys", an evolutionary system has ensured that individualism must be stamped out at all costs. Each time you have had your ambitions thwarted, and this sort of thing is now happening to most of you at a faster and faster pace, you wonder "what the hell is going on?"

Continue reading about what the hell IS going on.

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