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Readers Review "Starving the Monkeys"
Review on (private site), May 18, 2010 by Boston T. Party I met Tom at the March FSP gig in NH, and we traded books. Have finished the first and last thirds of it, and can recommend STM as a very unique and valuable manual of thought and action. His comments (in the chapter on Cho) on how the monkey collective uses injustice as a diagnostic and punishing tool for individualists is especially poignant: Someone understands you, you are not alone, and your time has not yet come. Don't allow yourself to become a pawn of the collective. Don't manufacture martyrs for their benefit only to be destroyed yourself after serving their purpose. Strive for excellence in all your endeavors, and then deny them the fruits of your excellence. Thwart their efforts to subvert your success by educating yourself. Take the path I have shown you in this book and learn the math, the sciences, the engineering. Then turn this knowledge to your own purpose to support yourself in your independence. (p. 399) Quickly get your own copy from -- you'll enjoy it! Boston Video Review on The Shrugging Out Podcast, May 1, 2010 by Pete Ferron Watch the video here or listen to an audio only version (MP3). Message From Reader, March 29, 2010 by Unknown, via email I would like to see your book and would maybe even have bought it had you not included FIGHTING MODERN PROGRESSIVES along with the banner. If it instead read FIGHT THE TYRANTS AND THIEVES AND HYPOCRITES (and you then included the real Tyrants,Thieves and Hypocrites such as Glen (sic) Beck, Rush Limbaugh et al and the corporate slave masters who own them) I would be interested. Conservative and liberal.Libertarian and Socialist. All these are labels that seek to divide the populace of common folk and allow the criminals on Wall Street and the degenerates who now run our modern day Nazi Wehrmacht military serve as the true masters even though they are a minority. (nothing different between the Nazis invasion of Poland and our invasion of sovereign Iraq. NOTHING DIFFERENT. Just ask the thousands of Iraqi children turned into red mist by our "HERO'S" how there was a difference. Oh! Forgot. Dead don't talk do they) So let's hear you call for the trial and imprisonment of the Bush Crime Family and imprisonment of most of their evangelical christian supporters of mass murder and corporate theft and I'll join you in calling for Barack Obama's and Nancy Pelosi's imprisonment for keeping it all going like nothing ever happened. Otherwise it's just more right wing tea bagger, brain dead Sarah Palin (George Bush in a skirt only dumber and more evil) BS. Too bad. Otherwise book looked interesting to this free thinking Thomas Jefferson/Ben Franklin/Thomas Payne type "liberal".They all hated the conservative King George you know. You can never have any real positive change when you take sides with those who seek to enslave you. Ed. note: Well said. I just wished he had taken the time to look at the whole site, and not just one word. Oh, and we do respond to every email, so please change the default to something meaningful and we'll write back! You are not alone, March 17, 2010 by Kelly Pope "Chris Pope", on I can totally relate to a majority of the experiences Mr. Baugh refers to. My main problem is that I have continued to work hard and expect those around me to do the same; to accept critcism as constructive, to be patient and understanding, to remain uninsulted or offended unless the remark or gesture was meant to offend.Sadly I have expected these things from those around me, and I have been scolded and abused by the authority figures I worked so hard to impress. My basic philosophy has always been to make myself more valuable to the company by making the company more profitable. In doing this, I have succeeded in pissing off my coworkers and making my immediate supervisors very nervous. This shows in the variety of ways in which they attempt to 'handle' someone of my kind. I have known for a long time that I should move on to a different 'modus operandi'; I just could not seem to make a big enough change to make the change stick. Mr. Baughs book has helped me to see a few options that I had not previously considered. Tom Baugh is a true American. He recognizes how far our country has moved away from its' original intent. I found myself nodding in agreement to the examples of the monkey's "power plays". I have noticed that some of the reviews suggest that this is a laborous read, I disagree. Portions of this book will require your full attention, but if you can't muster the mental energy to read a book this important, then my friend; this book was not written for you. Maybe it is written about you... Your updated book, March 8, 2010 by Beth R., via email Thanks for the updated book, I really enjoyed it. I read it a second time while my husband read the 1st book. Needless to say we were a little bummed out for a while. Probably because we could see the monkeys for what they are. We have implemented some of your suggestions, and we are looking forward to learning math and science. I'm with the 912 Project and you almost ruined Glenn Beck for me but I still listen with a more informed mind. I have been able to locate some really good chemistry books, my dad was in pharmacutical school and I have a ex-teacher as a friend in the 912 Project. You were right it is a good place to meet people and tell them about your book. The title is a little off putting, but I have used many of your ideas, such as, Cold dead hands are of no use to us. Oh, before I go we have no more monkeys working for our company. Partly because of your book and partly because the economy stinks and trying to make a payroll every week is impossible, with out racking up more debt. It was an eye opener when my huband started working again with the last two remaining employees. It was just amazing how much they were able to produce in a seemingly short amount of time. This drove him over the edge and now our last two employees are subcontractors. Our federal taxes per week have gone from $1,500.00 a week to $275.00 a week. It's fun to starve the monkeys. Life is good, especially when you have a plan. Thank you, Tom! Ed. note: Make sure that you have considered the tax implications of the subcontractors. One way Joe Stack got in trouble was by paying them on a 1099 basis. On the other hand, had his subcontractors been incorporated, he would have had no such issues. Without that layer of incorporation the IRS can come back to the client and demand payment of taxes should the contractor payee default on them. Of course, this is just my opinion, and you should seek official advice on these issues! After all, those accountants and tax attorneys need their bananas, too! Without the IRS, who would want to hire them? Much rant, little new to offer...., February 26, 2010 by MDA, on I have read the reviews, eleven of them, and they are all positive at the time of this writing. I'm sorry. I simply don't see it. I found the book unoriginal and sophomoric. Please understand, this book is not so much about preparedness/independence as it is about economics. The author begins with a defense of classical economics (so far so good...) that quickly descends into a 400 page anarcho-capitalist rant. Yes, our government system has been strangling growth and innovation from the very beginning. Yes, we have lost our way. Yes, the Dems and Reps are two sides of the same coin. We know. There is nothing new here. In fact, I think that supporting his position using nothing more than supposition and cute stories about cavemen hurts those of use who believe he is correct by making us appear silly. Honestly, Adam Smith doesn't need Mr. Baugh's help. To be fair, the author employs turn-of-phrase that can be very amusing but in the end his own arrogance destroys any possibility of enjoying what he has to say. I was reminded of that archetypal high-school science geek that manages to put off everyone he knows because he's not nearly as clever as he thinks is. Add to that more than a smattering of anti-Christian digs (a shame since they do nothing to support his point) and you have a book that is simply too obnoxious to read. At various points Mr. Baugh suggests different titles for the reader to explore: Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" Atlas Shrugged The Innovator's Dilemma I agree. I'll add to that, the "The Death of Common Sense" by Phillip Howard and suggest that anyone interested save themselves some time by forgoing "Starving the Monkeys" and going straight to the sources. Not your daddy's political rants..., February 23, 2010 by L. R. McGowan, on I just finished reading Tom's book and the best thing is, it will make most anyone that labels themselves as Democrat or Republican just as uncomfortable, but for different reasons. The real message of this book is not to pick sides and blame Gov't for the problems we face today or to promote Gov't as the answer. Instead it is an attempt to show how we the people, by forgetting the ideals on which this country was founded are allowing the Gov't to destroy us. His insights and observations, as well as his personal experiences will open your eyes to the truth of where we are, how we got here and where we're headed. A must read if you want to survive the meltdown and be part of the rebuilding. I finished the book this weekend. Wow!, February 22, 2010 by chrisser, on Tom Baugh can be at once incredibly perceptive, and annoyingly ascerbic, but I found I could easily excuse the latter in order to gain the insight from the former. Once you get what he’s trying to do, you start to appreciate that he’s not pulling punches, nor worried about offending your sensibilities, and all of it helps to prove a couple of points along the way. If it gets in the way for you, think of him as the Dr. House of philosophy. With his man/monkey analogy, he is able to illustrate many of the problems in our country as we hurtle down the ever steeper slope away from our founding principles. Some of these problems are obvious and well-discussed here on FR. Others are problems that you knew existed, gnawing at the back of your mind, but couldn’t quite identify. Tom makes these clear as well. Even though I agreed with much of Tom’s philosophy going in, I found many of my preconceptions challenged, and I have changed my mind on several positions I formerly held, and I don’t do that easily. You may come to think that his man/monkey construct is less an analogy, and more a semantic slight of hand to get you to think outside your cage. Or not. I’ll not give away the ending, such as it is, which in true Baugh fashion, is presented with “some assembly required”, or better, “some of your own thought required”. All I will say is that, even if you don’t agree with most of what he says, and yet still ignore his warnings and make it through, you can’t find much fault with the bulk of his recommendations for self-improvement. Those alone are worth the read. The print is a bit tiny for older eyes, making the book look shorter than it is until you start into it. There are many referenced works which the author expects you to read or have read - some of which are necessary to fully understand the following sections of the book. These are all on the website if you want to pre-read any of them. This thread is also on the site as a reference. I found this book to be life changing. Having spent most of my life shovelling bananas at monkeys, I came to some of the same conclusions, and made some progress in the direction Tom suggests. He took me the rest of the way in comprehension and illuminated a good part of the path ahead for me. Knowing in advance, I’d have paid many times more for his book than he charged, and how often can you say that? Starving the Monkeys, February 18, 2010 by Bill W., via email I am just getting started reading Starving the Monkeys, and have now turned a few more on to the book in addition to the couple of extra copies I gave at Christmas to people now reading too. I also have been keeping up with Tom @ webwarrioronline, and I have been deep into the nation without a country series. Let me tell you here in the bay area,ca - it already feels like living on the edge of the the world. For those awake enough to see - or maybe just unlucky enough to be punished - it is already a police state. We can't make a difference soon enough. Before any review of mine, and even before I get into the whole of the book, I want to thank Tom & you, and anyone supporting you. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror, February 13, 2010 by Scout34, on If you are afraid of introspection and truthful self evaluation then do not read this book. Tune in to the big game and enjoy your bread and circus. If you are willing to take a good hard look at yourself and act upon what you see, then this is a good book for you to read. As many have said before me, prepare at some point to be offended. I am a Christian from Texas, two groups that get some special attention in this book, and I got over it. You can too. Why should you get over it? Why should you read this book? You should read this book because it will help you prepare not only for the coming economic storm, but for the rebuilding that will be necessary after it. Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly are all preaching to the choir for folks to wake up. Okay, I'm awake, now what. This book is what. Tom Baugh has a vision for a true laissez faire economy in the future, but we can't get there from here so to speak. There are too many folks addicted to the "free" stuff and handouts that our government uses as payoffs to voting blocks. They are too entrenched to ever relinquish their hold on power. His solution is for you to get yourself, your family, and anyone else that is willing to dedicate themselves to the effort ready, and let the system fail. Establish a network of like minded individuals and start rebuilding from the ashes. A decentralized Galt's gulch, if you will. The roadmap to self eduction as detailed in other reviews is excellent. His characterization of the current maze of laws and regulation as a system to be gamed to your advantage may cause the self reliant individualist to balk. There are still folks in this country who don't want handouts, folks that still have integrity and don't want to be seen as getting something at the expense of someone else. Baugh reminds us that if you are one of the productive people who pays into the system, you may as well take advantage of the system you are funding. Do it legally, but take back as much as you can, while you still can. It is not an easy read, and some of the conclusions that are reached are not pleasant. But if this does not galvanize you into taking some action now, while you still can, than nothing will. ...there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?..., January 31, 2010 by Wayne Floyd, on "....words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?..." quote from V for Vendetta If you too sense that something is wrong then this book will clear the fog and help you rediscover the "stolen vocabulary" to articulate what that "terrible wrong" is. As others have pointed out this book is not a casual read and once read deserves a second more thorough read and study. Its not just a book but a plan of action. Baugh pulls you in chapter by chapter with his personal stories and ability to present economic and philosophical subject matter in straight forward and entertaining manner. His chapter on "Caveman Capitalism™" should be required reading to graduate from high school or at least mandatory for those seeking public office. At the same time he challenges you to discover the truths for yourself and encourages you to test his assumptions and conclusions. Agree or disagree with his political analysis there are lots of truths in his words. He only asks that you make your decision as a productive individual. As other reviewers have said his solutions are not simple...but given the problems we face you already knew they couldn't be...there is a lot of hard work ahead and it will be worth the effort. If you're an Ayn Rand fan, read this book!, January 30, 2010 by Matt Bracken (author of Enemies, Foreign & Domestic) on and “Starving the Monkeys: Fight Back Smarter” is about the struggle of the creative, productive members of society against the parasitic masses that author Tom Baugh refers to as the monkey collective. Monkeys are the looters and moochers who essentially dine from the plates of the producers through the tax and legal structures they have put in place. Baugh contends that the vast army of collectivist monkeys would literally starve if left to their own devices. “Starving the Monkeys” refers to Baugh’s recommendation that the producers strictly limit the monkey diet, by withholding their productive efforts on behalf of the collective. Not by refusing to pay taxes, but by temporarily throttling back on their productive output, and thereby hastening the fall of the monkey collective, which is even now teetering on the brink. He advises retreating into a personal “Galt’s Gulch” until after the impending financial and social collapse, and then emerging with one’s intellectual and productive tools intact. In the former Soviet Union, beleaguered individualists referred to this as “internal emigration.” Whether this strategy will be taken up by enough producers to have an effect on the collective remains to be seen, but it reflects the “Atlas Shrugged” meme that is echoing loudly today, as employers hold off on new hiring for just one example. Although this is a book designed to help you survive what may be our imminent financial Armageddon, you won’t find recommendations on long-term food storage or home defense firearms. Other recent titles cover that ground, such as Fernando Aguirre’s “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse,” and John Rawles’s “How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It.” According to Baugh, by far the most critical survival weapon is the one between your ears. This book is all about honing your mental edge to razor sharpness for the purpose of surviving the collapse intact. Starving the Monkeys is not an easy read. It’s extremely challenging, not only to political correctness but to many popular dogmas, including some religious ones. No sacred cow or ox is left ungored. I guarantee that thin-skinned feminists will be highly offended. If you have a low tolerance for seeing your pet beliefs or heroes under attack, this is not the book for you. For example, if you think that Lincoln was our greatest president, you will certainly not enjoy this book, to say the least. I picked the ingrained American devotion to “Honest Abe” as one example among countless others. Be warned. Baugh comes after numerous cultural and social beliefs and traditions with a steel crowbar, to pry them apart and analyze their weaknesses as he sees them. In fairness, he turns the same critical analysis on himself. So why should you read such a problematic and often uncomfortable book, by a consistently prickly and acerbic (but always hilarious) writer? Simple. For the equally consistent brilliance of thought displayed. You may disagree vehemently with many of Baugh’s suppositions (as I certainly did), but you cannot deny the breadth and power of his thinking. The single chapter titled “The Idea Factory” is worth the entire price of the book, and so are several others. PR nightmare., January 30, 2010 by Eccl 10:2, on The Left will immediately trash the book, its author, and its fans as racist - sight unseen, words unread. Whatever point the author is trying to make, he could have used a better metaphore. Ed. note: So will the Right, for that matter. Which is a good part of the point. I’m about half way through this book, January 30, 2010 by tbw2, on The challenging of the “culture of niceness” is absolutely correct. His break down on economic development and productivity are insightful. His criticism of religion comes across as horribly arrogant. The other issue I have is the statement: “Grudgers can live in a society and get along fine”, yet he comes across as a “don’t be perfect, please, so I can be pissed off at you, too, you scum bag”. We’re all roadblocks to his productivity, even if we’re self sufficient and leave the guy alone. If he’d had only the economic discussions, it would have come across as ground breaking communication of evolution of productive technology and why automation leads to more regulation. The endless paragraphs of why he fired people and others he has worked with make that half of the book real like a “why I hate people” vent. And cutting out the venting would have made it a good book. Recommended for aspiring 'Women' and 'Men' everywhere, January 30, 2010 by G. Dericks, on I am a well-read libertarian and I was skeptical that this book would have many ideas that would be new to me. Fortunately I bought this book anyway and was roundly disabused of this notion. Although the organization of the book is somewhat eclectic, it is an impressive book nevertheless. After reading it I am sure that like me, you too will learn a great deal and find much to admire in Tom Baugh. Interestingly, I found that many parts of the book which I valued the most are not emphasized in its advertisement at all. For instance; his step by step instructions on how to develop skills that can produce value, his insights on how your sub-conscious solves problems-how to listen to it-and how to keep it working, and why/how it is that 'Monkey' ideas spread. I was also expecting to hear things in the book that are stereotypical of various 'extremists'. For instance conspiracy theories or various other forms of delusion. However, everything Mr. Baugh says is well measured, impartial, and reflects his intelligence. That is not to say that you will not be challenged by this book, but this stance lends much credence to his ideas. Finally, I noticed that one commenter here described Tom Baugh as being quite 'religious'. I can report that this comment is in error, as Mr. Baugh does not invoke or impose religious ideas anywhere in the book. Rather, he references 'God' when talking about the power of mathematics to explain our world, which anyone who understands the beauty of mathematics can well appreciate and need not misconstrue as 'religious'. This book isn't salvation, nothing is, but it will definitely improve your grasp of reality and open your eyes as to why we live in the world we do, and how you can break free of the web that 'Monkeys' try to weave around you. Recommended for aspiring 'Men' and 'Women' everywhere. BZ, January 22, 2010 by Wayne F., via email Just finished reading your book. Will start over in the morning as it deserves a couple of reads. I have sensed what you write in bits and pieces for the last 10 years and fooled myself that it would get better. That everyone would wake up. Thanks for pulling me out of the fog. There is a lot of work ahead. starving the monkeys, January 21, 2010 by Stryker "thehusky", on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) one of the best books i've read. tom baugh certainly gives you plenty to think about. states facts and lets the reader decide, not your typical mudslinging toward one party or the other.... A Masterwork By Tom Baugh, January 20, 2010 by Colleen R. Writt, on After reading the eloquent and succinct reviews already posted, I have little to add, except that any thinking, breathing human being must read this book. It is timeless in importance and timely to all who feel that their best efforts are being milked by an unresponsive government with rough hands. A society that believes the fruits of your productivity are theirs to confiscate and redistribute, perpetuating and expanding the dependent class, is not one to be actively supported. By so doing, you only enslave yourself. In our gut, we all know that societies are best served by their productive, creative individualists; folks who can get up off their asses each day and work towards a goal. How that ethic has been corrupted by the monkeys, and what you can PERSONALLY do about it, is the subject of this book. This IS NOT light reading; be prepared to have many of your most deeply held beliefs challenged to their core, and your eyes opened. I salute you, Tom Baugh, for your courage in telling it straight. This book is undoubtedly one of the most important works of this new century. When it hits the fan, you will want this book., January 5, 2010 by K. Brafford, on Written with honest people in mind*, Starving The Monkeys (STM) is a fascinating exegesis of human history. It details societal evolution with specific focus on mechanisms set up that enable vast numbers of people to make their way by leeching off of the truly productive class--all while most don't appear to care or even notice. At times Baugh seems to channel P.J. O'Rourke, weaving humor into the longer passages while increasing the readers' fund of knowledge. Whereas O'Rourke may help your Scrabble game, STM will sharpen your mind with clear explanations of how society creates wealth, and how cheaters organize to siphon off "their share" of the stuff created by honest producers. I recommend this book to everyone. I *highly* recommend it to anyone who believes he has always worked hard and played fair, but upon seeing how some thrive when they don't seem to be adding any value anywhere, in his gut knows that something is just plain wrong with how our society has organized itself. *By the way, one may be surprised who Baugh explains are the "honest people" (my phrase, not from the book). I bet there are a lot of folks who assume they fit in that category simply because they don't mug victims on the street or because they don't go on welfare, but who are nonetheless members of Baugh's "Monkey" class. Without exaggeration I say you really have to read the book to understand who the Monkeys are, and what can be done about them. Finding a productive path, January 5, 2010 by Alan Wolfe, on This book is not an easy read. You won't polish this off in a relaxed evening. And I found a few bits infuriating. So what makes it compelling? Baugh delivers an unflinching look at the ills of today's society. He develops his narrative from the ground up, drawing on many colorful stories from his days as a Naval Academy midshipman, as a Marine Corps officer, and as a successful business entrepreneur to illustrate his points. Baugh makes you think hard about how the world works. He delivers a roadmap and comprehensive building blocks for a solid education in math and the physical sciences -- as well as what used to be known as the practical trades -- to anyone willing to put in the work. Baugh devotes considerable attention to contrasting the economic advantages of individual liberty against the ills of collective tyranny. No magic bullets here. Baugh offers concrete solutions you can start working on today to make yourself more productive. History abundantly demonstrates that societies only prosper through productive individual action. Might as well divest yourself now of any notions of victimhood or arbitrary ideas of achieving 'fairness' through government coercion. Agree or disagree with his philosophies, you should at least consider doing the homework. It's worth the effort. You can improve your life considerably with a bit of self-discipline. "Starving the Monkeys" is a great starting point. Volume Quotation, December 26, 2009 by Dr. K., via email 10 copies asap This book should be required reading in every public school but this will never happen! Excellent!, December 23, 2009 by R. Winters, on This is the best book I have read in a long time. Lots of excellent advice, and insightful analysis of history, politics, and why the coming crisis is inevitable. Beware, if you are of the monkey mind set, you will be offended. If you think individualism is a good thing you will love it, maybe even be reassured that you are not alone. Can't recommend it highly enough. I've finished reading your book, October 24, 2009 by Russ L., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Whew! What a tome from Tom. Very clever, very well written, congratulations. Starve the Monkeys, October 15, 2009 by Linda L., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Starving the Monkeys a very thought provoking book that every businessperson should read during any point of starting or operating a business. I would like to think that most American adults understand the challenges that government places in our path, in what feels like, at every turn. Self-employed individuals feel this more so then does the ‘average’ American. Tom Baugh makes the thought-provoking point well that America is no longer free, your (including your home) property does not really belong to you – not when your neighborhood association, city or county government can keep you from putting up a new fence. When you have to get permission / permit’s to replace even an old fence. Having been self employed I understand the obstacles that the state, and federal government places on businesses to terminate a poor performing or dishonest employee. The laws that are there to protect the guilty can and will force individuals to abandon their dreams of independence – I sold my business due to my feeling that I worked for the government (I paid much more in taxes than I ever earned), and the insurance company (in ridiculous liability rates to protect the monkeys). Negative: Homework assignments – I’d much prefer to be able to read straight through a book. Hooray for Tom Baugh for penning it and for StarveMonkeyPress for putting their resources behind the project. America needs to wake up prior to us becoming a third-world country and demand that our government, at every level, work for us not the other way around. I highly recommend this book for all college business majors, anyone thinking of going into business, and those already in business. Short note of appreciation, September 30, 2009 by Bob H., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I've always had contempt for the slack bastards around me, but now they have red eyes and horns. The goals for my family have changed. Thank you for shaking me awake. your book, September 18, 2009 by Rocky X., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Tom, your book came in about five days after my last post; I was disappointed it took so long. The book is quite interesting a little slow going through the macho stuff but well worth it. You’ve really got something going here a lot of meat. I chuckle when I recall thinking it would take a mere weekend to get through your book. I am not anyway near through w/ your book yet, not the result of boredom; rather quite the opposite it’s stimulated my curiosity reading suggested material as well as prompting me to research other writings. Even though I’ve read some of it before my perception today differs greatly from 25-30 years ago; as it should otherwise I’d have just been sucking up air all those years. Shall I say I am now viewing each subject through wiser albeit older eyes! Yours is a book one really needs to take time reading hope I have enough time left. :o) Message From Reader, September 16, 2009 by Kathy T., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I LOVE your book! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it. My husband and I have three sons... and they WILL read this book! And if they were still living at home, being home-schooled, I would insist they read the assignments. Our family has lived as close as possible to the monkey-free life you have described, but there is always room for improvement. Do you plan on making an audio-book? If I were the other gender I would audition to read it, but I think a male voice would be best. I actually think this book would make a great movie! Think about it.... Should be required reading for all American citizens...and citizens to be., September 14, 2009 by Nose Bikes, on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I was skeptical about this book before I bought it, but Amazon's ability to preview the first chapter got me hooked. From there, It was my choice book each time I found time to read. What this book lacks in bullet-pointed spoon feeding on how to starve the collective monkeys that erode our society, is the whole point of it. We all need to educate ourselves in the great works that past men or women have made and use that knowledge for the betterment of ourselves and our world. In doing so, we fortify ourselves against the decline of others, especially those that only siphon value from our productivity. This world is not safe, but in nature, the strongest usually survive. Only when the dangers of nature are mitigated can the monkey collective grow. Strengthen yourself with knowledge and you protect yourself, your family, and those you recognize as like minds against natural or man-made peril. preaching to the choir, September 14, 2009 by Burt V., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition), see also 12 Aug. I enjoyed your book. It is plain to see why you needed your own publishing company as you effectively offended everyone. I applaude you. I couldn't help but notice you had a somewhat late transformation and used the monkey collective to cash in on an excellent free education, Annapolis. My transformation was a bit earlier as I left college for Viet Nam, thinking it was the right thing to do (youth). Before long my only excuse was I was trying to save American lives. Ruby Ridge, Waco and a host of other events have reinforced my opinion of who is really running this country. Had I written your book I would have been a lot harder on the lawyers. It is my belief that nothing will be accomplished as long as they are in charge. By training they know the money is in the problem and not the solution. We need to elect doctors and engineers to public office. I agree with and have experienced about everything you had to say. It was written much better than I could have and covered some ideas I had not considered. As a small businessman I have battled the monkeys all the way, Y2K, ISO 9000, etc., etc., etc.. Unfortunately I don't think I can even pretend to join them at this point. I will just have to fight them to the bitter end the best way I know how. Good luck to you. Starving the Monkeys An Entrepreneurial Horror, September 14, 2009 by Georgeanne Bixler, on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I recommend Tom Baugh's book "Starving the Monkeys" to those who are researching the dynamics of the current assault on our U.S. Constitution and the free market and what we can do about it. This book is also a testament to personal independence and how to achieve it. There is a lot of practical educational information and well articulated arguments for the free market capitalist economy and our representative republic. It is well written and entertaining. If you are of an independent mind and and a believer in personal responsibility and individual strength then this book is for you. Those who are Libertarian, Independent and Republican in their political values will get a lot from this book. If you are Conservative you will appreciate this book as well. However, if you are Conservative Christian or have fundamental religious beliefs you will find parts of this book hard to take as Mr. Baugh is very spiritual and believes in God but he does not hold with traditional organized religion and feels it is destructive to society. If you are a Liberal this book will be antithetical to all you hold dear. And thank God for that! Message From Reader, August 26, 2009 by John E., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition), see also 15 Aug. I read your introduction, I liked it, so I just ordered your book from Amazon. Thought I'd let you know. Your Book, August 24, 2009 by Sidney C., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition), see also 15 Aug. Finished your book today. In our previous conversations, my bringing up Constitutional convention, Montana gun law, and underground commerce must have provided you with a good chuckle. All along you knew you had addressed all of those and I just hadn't read that part yet. Glad to be of service, if only in the entertainment department.:) The only thing I can say that I think you really got wrong is that you seem to think there are few that believe as you do. I think your "choir" is much larger than you know. You can count on at least half a dozen orders for your book as a result of my talking about it with friends and family. I rarely reread any book , but think I can get more the second time around. Well Done! Can't wait for your next one. Self reliance, August 20, 2009 by GBSmith, on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Mr. Baugh presents an intriguing book. In many ways this is a self-help book for the individual and how to survive what may well be the coming crisis. After clarifying that people who produce no tangible goods or services are the dreaded monkeys, it is recommended that each individual become a pro with at least one skill set that can be bartered with neighbors; skills needed by other inhabitants of the community. There's a wealth of resources that are listed to get the individual up to speed, including Internet sites to glean general knowledge from, reading assignments, and relevant videos. It was refreshing that the material is neither all from the conservative nor the liberal camp; it is some of the most thought provoking readings from a wide specrum of views. My most serious quibble is with the list of heavy duty reading assignments including the books suggesting linear algebra and beyond. Unless one has a very strong math background, the books will be overwhelming. Check the local library before investing in the resources listed. This book will resonate with the ones who understand that there are no guarantees on the future. Mr. Baugh has written a how-to-live book that is applicable for individuals in any modern society. Thanks, August 19, 2009 by Thom E., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I am almost through the book and just read the section where you describe legitimate versus illegitimate marketing. I used to work in semiconductor materials marketing, and I seemed often at loggerheads with other members of the product marketing team. Due to the nature of my particular market, I was able to follow my own path and reduce my conflict with the rest of the "team" (read: collective). I had a good chuckle while reading your book knowing that what I did was legitimate versus the rest. Thanks for helping me realize why I never quite fit in. I recall being told that I was too technical (metallurgist), but my sales went from $330,000 in year one to almost $30 million in year 5 while prices dropped from around a buck to about 20 cents. When I left, all those who said I was too technical promptly lost the majority of the business. I believe in positive delta Q for success. Great book. Thanks again. Message From Reader, August 15, 2009 by Sidney C., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I am currently reading your book...fantastic read. Being a retired AF Master Sergeant, I had to laugh at the descriptions of personnel problems you encountered while trying to run your company. I have been frustrated by the same lack of both personal and professional integrity in the current work force. The reason I had to laugh is that the answer was right in front of you. Your complaints all stemmed from the fact that your workers did not have the same work ethic that the military instilled in you. The military instills that ethic in all of its personnel. The simple answer was to hire ex-military. Not the one term people that rejected the military, the career people that come with same work ethic they taught you. But then you would still be busy running your business and we all would have been deprived of the literary masterpiece that resulted. Your book should be a mandatory text in high school. Thanks again TC. Thanks!, August 15, 2009 by Mike T., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Thanks!!! I haven't quite finished the book yet but it has already helped me to a direct my subconscious. I had an epiphany today: I told my wife and daughter that when I'm having bubbles and they start popping them I get irritated. Nothing personal but get away. THEY UNDERSTOOD! For so long I've been tolerating their interruptions while grasping onto my bubbles and hurting their feelings. But now, I say "bubbles" and they go away. THANKS, TOM! If for nothing else. Also, very timely book, as I'd already quit feeding monkeys out of my pocket and am trying again. Thanks for expressing me so well. A Thought Provoking Work of Excellence, August 13, 2009 by T. EDWARDS, on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I purchased this book with some trepidation, not previously having gone outside the collective (so to speak) of traditional book purchasing. Well worth it, and the extra assignments that Baugh provides are simply fabulous. I'd like to teach this stuff at a high school or junior high level - and I will be teaching my grandchildren as well. Read the book and you will understand what is meant by the collective. preaching to the choir, August 12, 2009 by Burt V., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I am on page 92 and am enjoying your book very much. So far I cannot disagree with a thing you have said. I hope you have a master plan for all grudgers, like me, to unite. Atlas Shrugged For Real People, August 8, 2009 by Gregory McDivitt, on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Starving The Monkeys is a really good book, and everyone who wants to survive and thrive as America becomes more and more of a socialist state needs to read it. Unlike the books by the famous conservative talking heads like Hannity, Beck, Savage, etc., STM gives practical advice on what a person can do to preserve their liberty and wealth. There's no nonsense in here about voting GOP, writing your Congressman, watching FOX News, going to tea parties, or organizing some sort of grass roots movement. The author correctly points out that efforts along those lines are exercises in futility. That's because Glenn Beck and the other talk show hosts are wrong. "We" don't surround "them"; they surround us. They being the "monkeys" of the title - the freeloaders and parasites who produce no value, but simply leech off or hinder the productive citizens of this nation. The welfare bums, the attorneys, the criminals, the staffs of myriad regulatory agencies, etc. Their numbers are growing every day, and the number of producers gets smaller every day. Socialism is here, and it's just going to get worse, no matter which party is in power. Anyone who thinks we're going to vote our way out of this mess is deluding himself. But Tom Baugh says that's no reason for despair. He shows you how to take real, practical actions that give you maximum immunity from the socialist state, and its tens of millions of monkeys demanding that the government take more and more of what you produce and give it to them. These are steps that anyone can take, and they don't involve exotic schemes like offshore bank accounts or "end times" talk about buying lots of guns and ammo and heading for the hills. It's well written, to boot, with many parts being hilarious. (I should point out that I found the first chapter to be longer than it needed to be, and it's probably the hardest one to get through. But don't let that put you off from reading it. You can skip it, and get right into the meat of the book, and go back and read it later.) Starving The Monkeys is a new book, and not many people are aware of it yet, but I predict that will change. One of these days I expect it will be listed alongside such classics as Atlas Shrugged, and the late Harry Browne's How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World. update, August 6, 2009 by Monica Y., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition). We are still at the beach, and I am reading!! i have not had the chance to do the extra reading, but we are going to download one of the books you mentioned (Atlas Shrugged and another one) to listen to on the way home. I just finished "Prancing Rabbits", and so far, "This book is for me". Interestingly, I have the "Expelled" movie in my Netflix movie Queue. And I was one of those who "teared up" after the Caveman chapter. When I was a teenager, I had a horse, but to pay for it's upkeep I cleaned stalls for rent and food and horse shoes and groomed horses to be able to go to horse shows, where I then warmed the trainer's horses up so I could pay for entry into the show itself. I have a few clients I work in trade with for services valuable to me. Your book resonates with me so far!! Just wanted to let you know! Message from, August 3, 2009 by Unknown, via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Drop deead a**** Ed. note: Verbatim. I would like to purchase 2 copies of your book, August 1, 2009 by Todd, via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I listened to your interview on the political cesspool tonight and would like to purchase two copies of your book. Is there an alternative way to order other than using Amazon? fellow Hokie, wget-ting, SigSauer, August 1, 2009 by Bob M., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Howdy! I graduated BSEE from Va Tech in 1966 (Class of '64). In retrospect I should have realized how rigged the game is from the official report on the Kennedy Assassination. I even believed men walked on the moon. I'm copying your web site with a 3 second delay between requests -- hope that's not too much of a burden on your server -- 'cause some of my favorite websites have been disappeared. Ahhh, done, 145 files, 2.5 megs, THANKS! I'm looking forward to listening to your appearance with James Edwards this evening. I'll probably have to listen via the archives 'cause i'll be away from any iway. I am a "from my cold dead fingers" person. The massacre at Va Tech was not prevented by outlawing guns from campus. I believe all cadets but freshmen should be required to have a concealed carry permit and pack when in uniform. My heart goes out to the MILLIONS of demonstrators in Iran who are randomly attacked by government thugs. Gimme my Sig. Message From Reader, August 1, 2009 by Jerry S., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) Sir no doubt you are as big a nut as i am. I am completing a Novel about a 70 year old man who decides to administer his own justice starting with Child predators. It is a book I'm afraid Beck or any of the others would be afraid to recommend. My question is are you like them, afraid of recommending the book? Et tu Brutus. I disagree about the tea parties. Without the comraderie many people would feel alone. Team effort and cheerleading is necessary for ALL OF US, including you. Otherwise you would not want readers. plus of course you would give away the coffee cups oop's' I mean your Book. I guess it is necessary to sell cups. Et tu Brutus! You, my dear sir, in turning on someone who you agree with seems as if YOU may be a progressive attempting to discredit all of us. Or are you a Mormon Hater? I anxiously await your answer. Ed. note: We would have answered, but he didn't give any contact info. Message From Reader, July 31, 2009 by Jackie K., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) My name is Jackie K. and I live in (redacted), Montana. I was out browsing through some articles and I noticed your Logo and I was curious so I clicked on it and started reading. You caught my interest and I liked what you hinted at. I am one of those people that watch and listen to Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox. I watch and listen but I have to be honest with you and tell you that they all make me sick. I agree with a lot of what I hear but I find myself continually frustrated and lacking. I feel un-nerved most of the time. My husband and I are in our mid seventies and we are not content with what has developed in this country for some time. I have little trust for anyone including the above mentioned group. For a long time now I have felt that their main interest has been promoting themselves first and stirring up the pot. Sometimes things look hopeless to me and I wonder what can I do about it. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I stopped calling myself a christian a long time ago because I don't like the meaning that word has taken on. As far as I am concerned it has little to do with God or His Son. I am very interested in reading your book but I am a little frightened to. I guess I worry about reading something that will do more damage to me than what has already been done. I am not trying to be antagonistic just truthful. I will look into that page that talks about discounts and see what it says and I think I will buy your book. Property Tax, July 23, 2009 by Scott G., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) I am a small business owner and just started reading your book and thanks to you at least to other books per your instructions. I do have a way to go but have to say the property tax comment struck a nerve and something I started telling more about, giving you credit of course. I still can't get over it. So far I am enjoying the book. I have read some of your comments on GB912 and from time to time challenge comments but I still have a lot to learn and currently on a quest for knowledge from all points. I go under J***** on 912 and have as a hobby to gauge public opinion. Nothing related to my real job yet. Anyway thanks so far for opening my eyes with a few topic. A much-needed roadmap, July 9, 2009 by S. Meyer "Perrogrande", on (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) This book provides a compelling look at the underlying ills of society today, built logically from the core perspective of micro-economics and the interaction of free individuals ('Men' in the author's perspective, though not being gender-specific). He contrasts the approach of 'Men' in society with those who extract value without contributing to the positive growth of society as a whole (the 'Monkeys' referenced in the title). The author presents his theory from the ground up, interspersing examples from his life as a Marine Officer and successful entrepreneur overlayed with a theoretical tribe of people who grow and prosper by focusing their energy on helping each other by adding value to their lives. The tribe begins to falter once the Monkeys begin to hinder the Men and stall the forward progress of the tribe. The positives of the book are many-- * the author gives us not only his opinions as to where society has strayed from a productive path, but offers concrete solutions as to what we as Individuals can do to reorient ourselves toward the productive path, and rebuild a segment of society to focus on achievement rather than notions of victimhood or arbitrary enforcement of 'fairness'. * His philosophy is grounded in his personal history with colorful and richly detailed examples, and how they relate to the building of his theory. * The tribe examples introduced through the early sections of the book give us a continuity and reference frame from which to compare with how society looks today. In fact, over time the tribe evolves in some very non-productive ways to match the challenges we face today with those who believe they are 'owed' something without contributing to society as a whole. * In addition to the examples, the author assigns much homework in the form of internet research, additional reading, and specific courses of action by which anyone can improve themself. You don't have to buy in to the author's philosophy to recognize the benefit that this additional learning and perspective can offer. With self-discipline and study and, yes, hard work, you can improve your life significantly. My only fundamental complaint with the book comes toward the end in the last couple of chapters. The author drifts away from his central thesis in attempting to portray how the Collective-oriented government structure will attempt to dissuade (even by force) those who do not buy in to the collectivist point of view. While I agree in principle with the author's conclusions, I think the examples could have been approached in a different way that better reflect and connect logically with the central thesis of the book. But these logical inconsistencies don't detract from the overall value of the book viewed as a whole. To me the most powerful aspect of the book is that it gives a person, one who decides upon reading it to be a Man and not a Monkey, concrete steps to begin the path to self-sufficiency. Too many political screeds in press today only hope to excite people and stir up anger, but conclude only with generalities such as 'less government' or 'lower taxes' and not something that an Individual can undertake the very next day to make a difference -- the benefit to this book is that you walk away with action that you can take as an individual to improve yourself and your immediate circumstances. As more people follow the author's advice, the world will be a better place. Not by force, not by any negative actions, but by positive reinforcement of personal growth for the betterment of your fellow man. In the end, isn't that what it's all about? Bought your book, July 1, 2009 by John N., via email (for previous "An Entrepreneurial Horror" edition) It better be good. Personally, I believe cessation is the best alternative. The comrads have been too organized for too long to beat them politically. |
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