New Blog,

Those of you who have been following our ongoing saga with the city of Manassas, Georgia, know that we formed a council of elders with expertise in a variety of fields, and asked for their advice about how to best accomplish our objectives. An important front in this campaign is the local public affairs effort. To this end, we’ve launched a new blog, (NOT .com). We now have our welcome post up over there.

The goal of Leech City is to document the campaign from a local perspective, and for local consumption. We’ll add color here at StarvingTheMonkeys so that you can see the strategy and planning behind what ultimately is presented on that site, enabling you to use these same techniques in your localities. Although we’ll have to keep some issues crypto for now as these things work their way through courts or law enforcement agencies, we’ll give as much of a big-blue arrow discussion over here as we can, when we can.

Could the local officials featured on also look here and see those big blue arrows? Of course they can. It doesn’t bother me that they discover more behind the scenes than just a funny expose’ site. Perhaps it will encourage any such public officials to pay attention to their legal responsibilities and limitations, and that can only be a good thing.

Once again, I thank the council of elders for their advice and assistance. The successes in this campaign are a team achievement. Any missteps are mine alone.

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