Thank You, President Trump
Thank you, President Trump, for giving all of us four years to build whatever shelter we could manage against what is coming.
Thank you, President Trump, for giving all of us four years to build whatever shelter we could manage against what is coming.
The growing Yellow Vest (Gilets Jaunes) phenomenon in France is an important milestone in the evolution of resistance to the globalist self-selected elites. Unsurprisingly, the usual globalist suspects are using their power and influence to divert attention from this movement, and to subvert or muddy the waters regarding their intentions. Here is what I’ve been […]
I’ve been remiss in giving credit to President Trump (EGK) for his accomplishments against formidable opposition in every direction. Sure, there have been some things that have been disappointing, but the wins are worth the setbacks, and we’re far better off than with HRC. One looming win we’ve got our eye on here is the […]
Wow, it has been months since posting anything. I’ve been busy with other things and sort of lost track until I started getting emails asking whether I had been taken out by unseemly elements. Out of respect for the judicial process, I had stopped writing about Manassas shenanigans and just kind of fell out of […]
Apparently, the new administration is as susceptible to false-flags and typical neo-cuck weepy-eyed distraction as, well, every one of them in my lifetime. Critical domestic issues? No. Bomb Syria? Yes! My main concern is that the growing tide of small- and medium-business momentum continues long enough to get good people into their lifeboats before it […]
“Weeks In Review” this time instead of “Week In Review”; I’ve had my head down for weeks on business events, and skipped last week entirely. The tenth week in to the new administration, a few worms have turned, but most worms have fortified themselves into various deep state bunkers. The biggest bunker is Obamacare, again […]
This evening, we returned from a week at a trade show helping a company launch a new product, so we’ve been out of the loop on Trumpenings and world events. More on this side of things next week. In business news, the show was a huge success. It has been over a decade since I’ve […]
Six weeks in, and the major highlight is Tuesday’s “State of the Trump” address. It was good to see Obamacare addressed as an important issue; back on week one we discussed how that is a major killer of small businesses. We would like to see a broad repeal. However, allowing free market choice (actual choice, […]
On the political front, the fifth week into the Trumpening, cuckservative Congressional Republicans have yet to make a meaningful stand against Obamacare, one of the top three globalist daggers aimed at American small businesses, as we detailed on week one. A Michael Ramirez cartoon, as featured in this WRSA blog post, sums up the slow […]
The fourth week into the Trumpening, we’ve seen some movement on Obamacare and a high-level firing. House Republicans are said to be trial ballooning replacement plans. But, we have yet to see proposed changes that would definitively remove the three most onerous provisions which throttle small businesses, the lifeblood of the middle class, and thus […]