Category Archives: Uncategorized

Maf is Hard

Maf is hard, but maf itself is by no means secret. Neither is science (scienf?) secret. Both of those, math and science, while they may be hard to understand, work the same for anyone who cares to look, by definition. What is hard to understand, however, is why the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) recently […]

Open Source Rocketry

I recently stumbled across some fascinating videos by amateur rocketeer Joe Barnard, whose YouTube channel is chock full of interesting projects. Armed with a 3D printer, model rocket components and some fairly simple custom electronics, he has created some amazing results. One interesting video series is his model rocket silo project (more video links […]

The Idle Manager Myth

The latest article in SoftBaugh’s small business series is about the stereotypical coffee cup manager who seems to do nothing, but somehow things in the office or the shop hum along nicely. Often, that manager’s leadership style is why things are humming along nicely. Mastering delegation and removing obstacles are important leadership skills, whether as […]

Should I Incorporate?

SoftBaugh has released a new small business article on whether or not to incorporate. Regular Starving the Monkeys readers (book and classic site) will already recognize that the answer is “yes”. In this article, the various business forms are discussed in detail, and a tiny crack left open for the LLC in limited circumstances (pun […]

Faithless Elector Update, 13 Dec 2016

Another week, and more breaking news in the faithless elector astroturf campaign. To keep this one short, we won’t repeat the background thus far, you can catch up here, here, here, here and here. The latest: Clinton campaign backs intelligence briefing for Electoral College electors (CNN), an attempt to paint the election as having been […]

Sign the Hammond Petition!

Dwight and Steve Hammond were convicted and imprisoned on federal arson charges for burning off pasture land, a routine land management process. The Hammonds were subsequently released from prison after serving their original sentences. However, they were then re-sentenced, and re-imprisoned, under the justification that the original sentences were less than mandatory minimum sentences. I […]

Leech City Update, Leechwatching Tools

Leech City has just posted an article detailing various tools used to monitor and hold local public officials responsible for their misconduct. Also, our yardsigns are in! Let’s see how long it takes the city to pass an emergency ordinance to ban these signs.

Leech City Corruption Primer

In a previous Leech City post, described here for the STM reader, we motivate the local dissident to see official corruption as favoring and harboring organized crime. In this new Leech City post, Corruption Has Many Faces, we extend the definition of corruption as a laundry list of misconduct by officials. The objective of this […]

Off-Grid Lead Acid Battery Principles

Old School Tech has just posted an article about off-grid lead acid battery principles. While lead-acid batteries are not the optimum choice for long-term use, they are relatively inexpensive for a two- or three-year solution as long as they are well-maintained and properly used. Another advantage of lead-acid batteries is that, in certain circumstances, there […]

10,000 Visitors!

Since launching the new blog format on the 11th of October, in about two weeks, we’ve had 10,000 visitors (and 27,375 visits). If I knew who the 10,000th visitor was, I would offer them this free picture of a nice set of steak knives, as shown to the right. Click to redeem. I’m not entirely […]