Category Archives: Homeschool

Testing Emergency Solar Christmas Lights

Old School Tech has released a new article in the emergency solar Christmas light series, a topic of interest to self-sufficiency enthusiasts who need a little bit of extra light in those dark corners but don’t want to use valuable inverter capacity. This time, an easy-to-make test fixture is described which overcomes the quality problems […]

Extracting Potash

Old School Tech has released an article about extracting raw potash from wood ashes. Future projects will refine and use this raw product for interesting things. Not only does this project make a great homeschool chemistry lesson, it also sets the stage for some chemical processes of interest to self-sufficiency enthusiasts. As mentioned in that […]

Introducing Caveman Chemistry

OST has posted a new article introducing the book Caveman Chemistry, by Dr. Kevin Dunn. “Starving the Monkeys” readers will recognize this book from our recommended reading list; we use it all the time for our homeschool chemistry lab manual to supplement text books. If you only have room on your self-sufficiency shelf for one […]

Homeschool CLEP: 8 College Biology Credit Hours at Age 14

Last month, I was able to brag that our fourteen-year-old homeschooled daughter earned college calculus credit through the CLEP test. Yesterday, she passed the Biology CLEP with a score of 58/80, which is good for up to eight college credit hours at many universities. This win is made even nicer by the fact that some […]