Trump Week In Review, 3 Feb 2017

As the Trumpening continues to steamroll opposition in its path, this week has seen a few developments on the small business front. Last week, we discussed three key issues affecting small businesses, which are the overseas supply chain, H-1B visas, and Obamacare, and that internationalist (read as anti-American) large businesses will use their power and influence to keep their claws on the throats of Americans. Predictably, CEOs are now getting involved personally to use their influence to scare people back into their cages.

A notable CEO, Howard Schultz of Starbucks, has vowed to hire thousands of refugees globally, which aligns with an intention by many corporations to openly use their Human Resource (HR) departments as a weapon against traditional Americans. The change we will see is not that this is happening, but that they will be more blatant about these purges than ever before, both in the execution and the stated intention. Group-think and thought-crime in the large company workspace will be amplified to a degree never before seen. This will eventually be their unraveling as large companies shed their most effective employees in the process. This unraveling will be blamed, not on their own suicidal HR policies, but on the Trumpening.

Only yesterday, I awoke to a notice in my LinkedIn account, “The cost of clamping down on H-1B ‘genius visas'”, which turned out to be an article by another notable CEO, Blake Irving of GoDaddy. The first thing that struck me about the article was the words “genius visa”, a fraudulent fallacy we discussed in our previous article in this series. To the uninitiated, this phrase, attributed to a pop culture propagandist physicist Michio Kaku, makes it seem as if the US is awash in technology retards and needs an influx of third-world dilettantes to save us from ourselves.

The second thing that struck me about this article was the name, Blake Irving. For some reason, my mind wants to flip that around as Irving Blake, but I don’t know why.

The third thing that struck me is that GoDaddy, who made its name by marketing to Americans with NASCAR driver Danica Patrick, would now firmly plant both feet in the face of its target market. Specifically, GoDaddy is expecting the taste of their shoe leather to be fully appreciated by those people interested in web-hosting for which NASCAR would be a down-home draw. In other words, technologists with a decidedly pro-American slant.

Now, we have several sites hosted at GoDaddy at the moment; this is one of them. In the past, to get our sites transitioned in the short-term from other hosts, we used many of the optional add-on services, such as email marketing or webstores. However, over the years we have deliberately replaced each of these paid services with open-source, host-independent alternatives. Why? Because the paid versions suck at any price, more so at a high price. How could this be? GoDaddy, who advocates the H-1B genius visa, has produced expensive tools that cannot compete feature-wise with open-source alternatives. Perhaps these open-source alternatives include as contributors people who have been displaced by H-1B visas, and are banging out great code between shifts working at Starbucks.

We’ve seen the same pattern repeated over and over in large companies. First, a great concept emerges and enters or nears production. Then, the company replaces the originators with H-1B visas (which should be grounds for immediate prosecution as, by definition, qualified Americans must necessarily exist; they created the thing in the first place). Next, quality declines, at first gradually and then all at once as the replacement population approaches 100%. Competition for Starbucks jobs increases.

Why then, does company after company, even those blatantly marketed as down-home American manufacturers (green tractors come to mind), so aggressively replace Americans on the flimsiest excuses with predominately Indian and Chinese “geniuses”? What is it about these people that make them so appealing? It isn’t just the lower cost of these cheaper replacements. In the early days of H-1B visas, this argument might have made sense, but experience shows that the now-predictable damage to projects makes them the more expensive option long-term.

After seeing dozens of examples of this situation emerge year after year, the only thing I can think of is that people from those two groups are easier to manage. Managing Americans is hard; they think too much, from the perspective of management. Time and again, I’ve seen some guy suggest a change to a product design that, while disruptive to the current plan, is an undeniable bonus to the project. But that means that management has to re-work their task charts. Predictably, that guy is an American.

On the other hand, Indians and Chinese H-1B visa-holders, for the most part, simply do as they are told. They are awesome at grinding through the same calculus problem over and over the way they were taught, but they have such an ingrained authority structure mindset that when in the subordinate position, innovation is, quite literally, unthinkable. When these same people find themselves in a management position, obedience by their subordinates is paramount. A new idea is a direct challenge to their authority in a way that would make Pol Pot blush.

And it isn’t just minority politics at play here, either. That would be a simple answer, but H-1B visa types enjoy an unofficial HR bonus over even black Americans. The old joke about black women being “twofers” pales into comparison to the HR mothering attended to foreign nationals at any large globalist corporation.

So what does this say about large companies who insist on pushing the H-1B program? Given my experience, and the blatant zeal given to hiring and promotion of people with a cultural bias toward authoritarianism, it can only mean that these globalists are in business simply to control people. Hell, it says it right there in the name of their political reliability office, the Human Resource department. Making a profit is incidental; at the rarefied levels of the largest multinationals, cash flows themselves are fungible commodities and government subsidies abound. Besides, if there is no other game in town, people can be counted on to buy their toys from a big name anyway. Plus, what better way to keep that pesky competition at bay than some crushing legislation such as Obamacare?

This then, is the battle at hand in the early weeks of the Trumpening. On one side, there are globalist corporations whose primary objective is control, but who hide behind various marketing veils to sell their benevolence to what they hope is a gullible public. On the other hand are increasing numbers of ragged survivors of HR purges who have picked themselves up from the rubble, passed through their grieving phase over a lost world which never existed, and are now eyeing the future with determination and the eye of a wolf.

In a future piece we’ll talk about the evolutionary psychology behind all this, and a nice discussion I had with some old friends last year about this very topic. We’ll also return to our old small business series from the old site, updated to reflect the changes in the eight or so years between then and now.

For now, though, this is the Trumpening, the drawing of cultural battle lines between the globalists and the nationalists. Despite Trump’s many accomplishments in the infancy of his Presidency, he, at best, can only clear out some of the obstacles in our path. Ultimately, those coalescing wolf packs are where the real action is happening.

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5 Comments on "Trump Week In Review, 3 Feb 2017"

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Yep it first happened in 1970s all the old timers got the boot so they started small shops that are now mid size threats to the big boy’s.


H1b holders are virtually slaves to their employers who dangle green cardd like carrots to keep the serfs docile.


[…] as LinkedIn would publish it. This is the exact reverse of previous articles, including the one by GoDaddy’s CEO, threatening dire consequences if H-1B visas were terminated. Usually any such articles are about […]
