The fourth week into the Trumpening, we’ve seen some movement on Obamacare and a high-level firing. House Republicans are said to be trial ballooning replacement plans. But, we have yet to see proposed changes that would definitively remove the three most onerous provisions which throttle small businesses, the lifeblood of the middle class, and thus the economy as a whole. We discussed those provisions in the first article in this series. As with many things Republican, effete slapping at irrelevant issues appears to be the order of the day, per the whims of their globalist puppet masters. In related news, the IRS appears to be implementing a policy of selective enforcement regarding the mandate penalty. While this move sounds good superficially, selective enforcement is always a political tool. This IRS policy is similar to that used in dry counties in the South, where political insiders can throw big bashes with no threat of enforcement, while those same laws are used to bash whomever those insiders wish to target.
We’ve also all heard about the Flynn firing; I’ve read tooth-gnashing about this in several venues as being a setback. I tend to think, at worst, this is no big deal, especially given The Donald’s trademark expression. The central issue seems to be whether Flynn misled Pence. I am encouraged that the administration appears to be intolerant of deceit among high level officials. This is an essential principle, as deceit is one of the deadly sins which can be used to leverage officials. Worse, this leverage can be applied by any power in possession of that knowledge, not just a party to the deceit. In our own Leech City work, one of our key tools for cracking open hidden nastiness is to first find inconsistencies in official statements and actions. This has been a highly effective tool, and we don’t have the fraction of the resources (including eavesdropping) or methods (including extortion) available to us that even the smallest anti-American public or private adversary (including enemies domestic) possesses. Let’s let the President do the job we hired him to do, and have some confidence in his decisions. If he needs to clean house from time to time in order to remove potential internal pressure points, so be it.
At the small business level, our network of business contacts has been confirming our suspicions about ongoing and accelerating purges at large companies against heritage Americans. This is not surprising; purging political enemies is right out of Marxism 101, a civics course wholly sponsored by Globalist Squid, Inc., and its network of interlocking transnational subsidiaries. Such Marxist purges typically occur at any inflection points, be it successes (to consolidate those successes) or setbacks (to prepare for a counterattack). The only difference between this and a Stalinist purge is that no one is putting pistol to the victims’ heads; they expect their victims to do this themselves out of despair.
What is surprising, however, and very encouraging, is the number of middle range companies who are beginning to fully embrace heritage Americans. Although we’ve seen this trend in some mid-range companies, size doesn’t appear to be the only discriminator to predict this process. Not all mid-size companies are rolling out the welcome mat; the essential element appears to be a given company’s target market. If the market is a second-tier, discretionary quality-of-life item, including luxuries, then heritage Americans are being embraced. First-tier, non-discretionary quality-of-life items (such as major appliances), mandated goods and services of all kinds, and government contracting of all kinds, remain hostile to heritage Americans and are participating in the Great Social Justice Purge. Mid-size companies are highlighted simply because that is the largest company which can inhabit the former category; by the time a company grows larger, it is capable of lobbying for protective regulations (such as H-1B visas), and thus becomes a shocktroop for the Deep State.
So, for those job-hunters out there, we recommend focusing your efforts on small- to mid-range companies, and help them become wildly successful once hired. Or better, start your own business if you are in the position to do so, and service those same companies, again, helping them to become wildly successful. We’re going to be launching some articles, both from our archives and new content, to help with that for those inclined. Before the Trumpening, I would have advised to stay holed up in whatever cubicle cave you could find. Now, some increased risk-taking, and cooperative K-selected wolf-packing in the business world, is in order. Those lumbering mammoths are looking delicious.
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9 Comments on "Trump Week In Review, 17 Feb 2017"
[…] Fourth week of the Trumpening, from a long perspective. […]
As a heritage American (1609-1620-1630) I look forward to those articles on working with and/or servicing small- to mid-range companies. (laid off from IBM 2013)
Your work is an inspiration. I’ve just begun attending various town committee meetings here. So far, so good.
(ed. davidx, thank you, and kudos for getting involved.)
Optimism and opportunity is in the air. Feels like spring already!
Feels like winning.
I suspect the real purging will begin when small organic dirt people business and entrepreneurial spirit reaches a certain plateau. This kind of prosperity and it’s motive power will cut into those margins and monopolies with many orders of and roll on effects.
Just like the leviathan state the leviathan crony corporatism and it’s cancer of SJW-ism stazi operatives, will leave it incapable of withstanding open source business insurgency.
MAGA bitchez.
Alt-Tech development. From the Alt-Right Burn Unit Patriarchy that brought out InfoGalactic, InfoGalactic News:
Also Mike Miles of 90 Miles From Tyranny blog started another Alt-Tech news aggregate site:
Tom, this might enjoy this.
Looks like a Bill of Attainder and De-Facto specie if I understand it correctly. But the best thing, I never heard a Judge refer to the commissioner of the IRS as Emperor Caligula. Looks like the judge tears him a new butt-hole butt good. The end is as good as the beginning. There’s an interesting observation about S corps and limited liability also.
SUTTON, Circuit Judge. Caligula posted the tax laws in such fine print and so high that his subjects could not read them. Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, bk. 4, para. 41 (Robert Graves, trans., 1957). That’s not a good idea, we can all agree. How can citizens comply with what they can’t see? And how can anyone assess the tax collector’s exercise of power in that setting?
[…] of give-an-inch-take-a-mile leftist mentality that has progressively eroded our entire culture. I agree with the Flynn ousting on the basis of misleading Pence, an unforgiveable core team weakness. He had to go. It will be […]