Author Archives: Tom

Tom currently lives in rural Tennessee, is a former USMC air support control officer and was awarded the Air Medal for his service in Operation Desert Storm. He graduated in the top 3% of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy, where he earned a degree in Control Systems Engineering. After a stint on USMC recruiting duty, he earned a master's degree in Electrical Engineering at Virginia Tech as an Air Force Laboratory Graduate Fellow. He is qualified as a rifle and pistol coach in both the Navy and the Marine Corps, and was awarded the Merritt A. Edson trophy at Quantico for the highest combined rifle and pistol score in his class. He has developed homeschooling course materials, and his homeschooled children have demonstrated collegiate excellence.

Hurricane Hiatus

Wow, it has been months since posting anything. I’ve been busy with other things and sort of lost track until I started getting emails asking whether I had been taken out by unseemly elements. Out of respect for the judicial process, I had stopped writing about Manassas shenanigans and just kind of fell out of […]

Budget Backsliding

After a long hiatus, Leech City has released a new article, this time on the degenerating budget situation. Last year’s budget was at least a step in the right direction. Now, the city has decided to release a joke of a budget for 2017. Much more to come.


File this post under the category TMI. About fifteen years ago, I had my first root canal. Back in the day, root canals were these horrific events. When I finally had one done, it wasn’t a big deal at all, no more than a usual filling. Technology, techniques and materials had advanced so much that […]

SAT Saturday

Yesterday, we took our homeschooled 15-year old daughter to take the SAT in Statesboro on the campus of Georgia Southern. The turnout was enlightening, 80% or more of the test-takers that morning were girls. I’ll drill into the informal stats about the boys in a future piece. For now, think about the future implications of […]

Happiness Lemonade

Burglary lemons? Make happiness lemonade. Last week, a friend mentioned to me that he broke his dining room table. I, on the other hand, had a spare dining room table, an enormous monstrosity which was part of the furniture ensemble that filled up my Atlanta McMansion back in the day. Some of the local degenerates […]

Accidental Elicitation

In our civil affairs series, we’ve pointed out that HUMINT collection skills, including elicitation, can be assisted by the use of video. As described in a new Leech City post, during a casual conversation with a guest speaker before a city council meeting, we accidentally caught some city official “tells” on video. Only later, after […]

Clever or Criminal, A New Leech City Series

Leech City has launched a new blog series, “Clever or Criminal?”, to explore whether slimy actions by local officials represent clever letter-of-the-law dodges, or cross the line into criminal behavior. On tap for today’s post in that series is a dodgy response to our previous test-case open records request that we outlined for you as […]

Monsters Attack Blueberries!

Our hormone-free blueberry cuttings experiment continues over at Old School Tech, this time with an attack by monsters, and an update on progress. Why the preoccupation with a hormone-free process? Mostly to make sure that this work can be repeated if supplements were not available. So far, the critical materials, from the pressed pulp containers […]

Trump Week In Review, 7 Apr 2017

Apparently, the new administration is as susceptible to false-flags and typical neo-cuck weepy-eyed distraction as, well, every one of them in my lifetime. Critical domestic issues? No. Bomb Syria? Yes! My main concern is that the growing tide of small- and medium-business momentum continues long enough to get good people into their lifeboats before it […]