Leech City has just posted an article detailing various tools used to monitor and hold local public officials responsible for their misconduct.
Also, our yardsigns are in!
Let’s see how long it takes the city to pass an emergency ordinance to ban these signs.
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4 Comments on "Leech City Update, Leechwatching Tools"
I had a problem a few years ago with a corrupt State Senator who was playing fast & loose with pushing taxpayer money into his own (and partners) pockets. He owned the web site http://www.HISNAME.com but he did NOT have http://www.HISNAME.NET Since I now owned a Dot Net site using his own name I was able to post all sort of info (all derived from legal records)that showed his dirty laundry. Using the local chat/gossip pages the website using the dotNET kept showing up every day and the page count went thru the roof. Needless to say, he didn’t stay a State Senator for very long after that. Once a person becomes a “Public Official” they have NO EXPECTATION of any sort of PRIVACY. They become fair game for every joke comes along. Once they become ridiculed and laughed at, they aren’t so high and mighty any more. Give it a try, IT WORKS.
Nice job Steve,again another example of fighting locally and winning,enough folks do that we can get at least perhaps a semblance of honesty from govt.,and get the corrupt jailed hopefully.
Might I suggest y’all paying a visit to https://inteltechniques.com/ and absorbing some of Michael Bazell’s info. His books are worth the scratch too. For free info and techniques sign up for his OSINT email news letter. It is truly terrifying just how much information is available online about a person. What’s worse is how an awful lot of it is available for little or no money if you know where to go and how to ask.
It is amazing what you can find and divine from this information. Don’t cause any mischief now ya hear. 😉