Pygmy Goat Pallet House
The Back Wall
Prep Work
The Foundation
Side Walls
Front Door Frame
Finish the Door
Back Wall
The Back Wall
In the previous section, we finished the door and the door frame. In this section, we cover the back wall with mitered slats. We're going to use techniques similar to slatting the front door and slatting over the front door. There is work involved, but fortunately by now the instructions are simple.
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First, carefully upend the house onto the front wall. Brace if necessary to relieve pressure from the latch blocks. Then, select a high-quality slat long enough to span the bottom of the back wall, as shown to the left.
Using the same techniques as previously, miter this piece and attach at the position shown. Strike a balance between leaving enough room for sweepings to pass under it, yet still being able to catch the side wall bottom rails with two deck screws per side. And yes, remember to pilot drill each hole. This gives the piece a good amount of goat resistance. It will be aided in this task by the slats immediately above it.
click picture to enlarge in new tab/window
Continue this process up the wall, and attach the slats to the interior wall slats using pilot-drilled long drywall screws, as shown to the right. Catch the middle and top rails with screws if you can. With the spacing we used for this house, we missed both sets of rails.
So what spacing should you use? Well, it depends on the climate. Here in Georgia we elected to use the same 1-1/2" spacing blocks as used on the door. We can always come out and drywall-screw some cardboard to the house for a cold snap. For cooler climates, you may want the boards to touch.
When you are done with the back wall, set the house back on its base. Be sure it is oriented so that your forklift can get to it, or else put it near its final location, it will get about twice as heavy when we finish the roof. If you are placing the house in its final location, be sure to use a sacrificial pallet beneath it to absorb most of the damage from rot, etc., thus increasing the life of the floor, and of the house itself.
In the next section, we shingle the roof.
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